Welcome to Retro Rulez !
News ᐅ General
30.04.2021 / 12:41
Welcome to my Homepage!
This Website is currently under construction and some links / features might doesnt work for now.
I'm trying hard to get everything up and running. Please stand by.
Best Regards
Retro Rulez
New Mod ᐅ Retron SQ
04.05.2021 / 23:00
Get the dust out of your Gameboy/Gameboy Color/Gameboy Advance cartridges everyone!
The Hyperkin Retron SQ has been hacked! All thanks to Retro Rulez's custom firmware! Coming soon.
Neuer Scan ᐅ E-Books
30.05.2021 / 12:41
Now available: RESIDENT EVIL STRATEGY GUIDE (German). Did you stuck in Resident Evil, Resident Evil Directors Cut or Resident Evil 2 on PlayStation 1? This Guide will lead you trough all the games and reveal the secrets you missed until now! HAVE SOME MORE FUN.
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Neues Video ᐅ YouTube
17.03.2021 / 01:36
Schaut euch jetzt mein neues Video an!
Solid Snakes Tipps zum seelischen Gleichgewicht in der Coronakrise!
Die Stimme von Solid Snake höchstpersönlich (David Hayter), meldet sich per Codec, um dir bei deiner Mission und durch diese verrückten Zeiten zu helfen.
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New Video ᐅ YouTube
27.10.2020 / 00:12
Check out my new video!
Design your own Cartridge competition!
I like to showcase my designs for the: "Design your own Cartridge competition" on Facebook!
Link to the competition:
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New Cartridge ᐅ Evercade
10.09.2020 / 12:00
I created a brand new custom Evercade game Cartridge for my collection!
This time i ripped all of the games from the Nintendo Classic Mini and formed it into an amazin Cartridge! Its time to play some Super Mario Brothers on the Evercade!!
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New Mod ᐅ PlayStation
08.09.2019 / 10:51
Hey Everyone!
I modded my original Namco Arcade Stick for the PlayStation (PS1) so i can use it on my PlayStation Classic (PSC). Take a look at the huge size difference between the console and the Stick... but it feels and plays great! If you like to read some more details how i archived this klick on the "Read More" Button below!
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